Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Links

Link number 1
This link will take to the United Nations action to take on terrorism. This link will also lead you to other links with in the page that show how the U.N. is fighting, what it is doing to prevent, and how to deal with terrorist.

Link Number 2
This link will give you information on terrorism, such as who, when, what, when, and why. It also gives some other help information about what you can do to help prevent it and how t spot terrorism and how you can report it

LInk Number 3
This link will take you to a site where it will give information on different terrorist group. It gives info on Names, Date started/First Active, Goals, etc.

Link Number 4
This link will take you to a site where it will give you links on Government Documents that inform what terrorist have terrorized.

1 comment:

@JenRoberts said...

This is great information, but by putting it in a post you will see it slide to the bottom of your blog and not be so visible. You could add it as a sidebar text or linked list. See if you can figure out how to do that and let me know if you need help.