Friday, May 30, 2008

Cite Your Sources Please

Your group is still working really hard and I am so impressed by your desire to find information and seek understanding about your topic. I want you to link to your sources though. You must cite where your information comes from.

Causes of terrorism

main causes of terrorism:
moral disagreements
resistance against an oppressor

a self-righteous group separating themselves from all forms of government or dictation

the devotion to your nation or leaders , the desire to destroy all who don't agree with or follow through with the way they are being governed

believing so strongly that there is only one set of rules to live by and who ever does not abide does not deserve to live

basically extreme racism, hate for any culture that isnt your own

moral disagreements:
believing that not agreeing with the way something is done is extremely offensive

resistance against an oppressor:
if there is any type of oppression, there will always be a group to disagree and do anything in their power to get the point across that they will not be oppressed without retaliation or a fight.

The basic fuel for the fire in all of these causes are the mentality that if you don't think the same as these people, you don't deserve to live.

Climate Change Has Major Impact on Oceans

I've learned that the climate change has a major impact on the oceans.

The increase of greenhouse gas emissions is causing a rise in the oceans temperature. This poses a threat to the life and reproduction of coral, not to mention all of the sea critters that call the coral their home. The change in temperature also leads to higher levels of acidity in seawater and affects the circulation of the atmosphere in a negative way. Within the past 30 years, only 20% of the Caribbean coral reefs are still fighting for their lives.
The change in climate has not only affected sea life below the surface, but the wind patterns as well. Prolonged wind storms are becoming more and more common and make a significant impact on the productivity of what happens under water.

CDI Terrorism Project

There are at least 56 known terrorist organizations today. All of these groups are considered to be still active during the past five years. One of these 56 groups that is well known to the U.S. is Al Qaeda. The organization was establish by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980's. Their main mission and goal is to establish a pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the world by working with allied Islamic extremist groups to overthrow regimes it deems "non-Islamic," and expelling Westerners and non-Muslims from Muslim countries. They are known to have several hundred to several thousand members. They are responsible for many bombings and shooting down U.S. military crafts and killing of men in service. I believe trying to basically take over the world is ridiculous, there's no good explanation to persuade people to join you to take lives and harm people that don't side with you to get what you want to favor yourself.


Terrorism the deliberate creation of fear to bring out political change. in order to do this terrorists scared people by using violence. No one knows for sure how terrorism came to exist but what we all know is that it causes the death of many innocent people and brings the feeling of anger to different cultures or different countries. The article I was reading about terrorism , said that terrorists are people who is only seeking for publicity. The think that this inhuman acts can bring them to the top of the world, the most wanted ones.This people or terrorists are only seeking for "fame" and they are planing to get it by attacking places and killing innocent people. I think this information is important because is shows what terrorists are really standing for, they only want to destroy people's life and destroy the relationship between other nations, bringing violence and discontent as result.
this picture shows a terrorist attack9-11

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What I learned about Climate Change

Well what I learned about the climate of this time is that it has changed a lot, the temperature has increased a lot, like if you go out walking you will get a tan. Then in the North Pole its so hot, the ice is melting and when the ice is melting its hurting a lot of the north pole animals. Then with this weird climate that we have it's affecting the animals on there way of living because the temperature is changing the animals are moving a lot and moving to different places.

What I leared about Terrorism

I learned that the United Nations have adopted a plan to counter terrorism . on 8 September 2006. The strategy, in the form of a resolution and an annexed Plan of action (A/RES/60/288), is a unique global instrument that will enhance national, regional and international efforts to counter terrorism. This is the first time that all Member States have agreed to a common strategic approach to fight terrorism, not only sending a clear message that terrorism is unacceptable in all its forms and manifestation but also resolving to take practical steps individually and collectively to prevent and combat it. Those practical steps include a wide array of measures ranging from strengthening state capacity to counter terrorist threats to better coordinating United Nations system’s counter-terrorism activities. The adoption of the strategy fulfils the commitment made by world leaders at the 2005 September Summit and builds on many of the elements proposed by the Secretary-General in his 2 May 2006 report, entitled Uniting against Terrorism: Recommendations for a Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

Climate change - impact on the oceans

I found the article to be interesting because it explains how the climate has change and altered our planet, it shows evidence about how the oceans have changed, it shows what the climate has done to alter our oceans because it changed the temperature oceans that were once cold are now warm.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What I learned about Climate Change

Today I learned that climate change is affecting all parts of the world. Not only is it affecting the oceans and the land but it's also affecting animals and plants. This will lead to massive extinction of different spices. .Studies show that all the continents are being affected by climate change. Permafrost is melting and ice glaciers are shrinking and it's getting hot.

What I read about climate changes

Climate changes are already changing our planets biology.
the biological impact of spring arriving much earlier than years before could cause the unbalance of ecosystems. "There could be some cooling in Europe and North America over the coming decade as the natural cooling offsets the warming from human activities,"

What I thought of other Blogs

I think that the blogs need some work. I'm not saying that mine is the best. It could also use some work. But from what I saw and read it looks like the other groups need some help. So tips for the other groups that I have are:
1. Work on it at home.
2. Take time and effort.
3. Make shore that you have a way to contact you group members besides using their e-mails.

I also think that the blogs should have a little bit more creativity. Add photos, videos, poles etc.

Climate Change

Today I learned that climate change is affecting all parts of the world. Not only is climate change affecting the oceans and the land but it's also affecting animals and plants. Studies show that all the continents are being affected by climate change. Permafrost is melting and ice glaciers are shrinking and it's getting hot.

Climate Change Has Major Impact On Oceans

I've learned that the oceans are changing rapidly due to climate change. Temperatures are rising and so are the acidity of seawater. Even the circulation pattern is even changing unpredictably. The oceans are becoming more acidic. It's providing a threat to coral reefs which already are in great danger. We have already lost 80% of coral reefs in the last three decades. The higher than normal temperatures are causing a breakdown in the relationship between corals and their main algae, zooxanthellae. Without it corals catch a disease and are unable to reproduce. Killing the coral reef population which will soon affect marine life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why so much evil?

I have learned that terrorism has disrupted the earth in a very effective way. I have learned that everyone is now very cautious of terrorism and what could potentially happy if we don't take precautions. The world is so full of hate and crime that no one even knows who is a terrorist and who is not.

The Links

Link number 1
This link will take to the United Nations action to take on terrorism. This link will also lead you to other links with in the page that show how the U.N. is fighting, what it is doing to prevent, and how to deal with terrorist.

Link Number 2
This link will give you information on terrorism, such as who, when, what, when, and why. It also gives some other help information about what you can do to help prevent it and how t spot terrorism and how you can report it

LInk Number 3
This link will take you to a site where it will give information on different terrorist group. It gives info on Names, Date started/First Active, Goals, etc.

Link Number 4
This link will take you to a site where it will give you links on Government Documents that inform what terrorist have terrorized.

What we did in Class Today

Today we selected the top 5 links on terrorism. We also stared working on the blog. We also try ed to but the links on the blog, but we are having some difficulty's . They will be added and fixed by the end of the week. I learned how to mange the blog and how to add surveys and more.

What we did today

the united states is like a herd of cattle being protected by the barbed wire fence that is national security, keeping out the coyote/terrorists. terrorism is a terrible thing and we should do everything we can to prevent it.

What We Did Today

Today we listed our top 5 links. We also accepted and joined our blog, and I cleared up and managed e-mails so that everyone had them. I learned today that getting the the whole group on the same page can be some what hard in the beginning, but after everything got taken care of things ran more smoothly. Getting started blog got a little confusing, but from now on I'm sure We'll get use to it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

first post

Hey everyone this is our new blog hope u like it. =)